Coventry Creations Articles

The Power of Color in Candle Magic

The power of color in candle magic

  There is a mood that comes from candles lit in a dim room.  You are immediately relieved of your earthy (daily) concerns, your brain slows down and you can breathe a little slower.   Candle magic taps into the mood set with this hue of light and starts to unwind your spirit to align with your intent. Every part of candle magic contributes to the weave of magic you are creating.  The flame, the scent, the blessing, the space you are in and the color all contribute to the magic.   Don’t discount the importance of color in your candle magic.  Each color carries its own unique energy that assists in the transformation you are intending.  In the Big Book of Candle magic (page 80) I dive into the color feedback loop where your emotional reaction to a color affects its vibrations and the vibration of the color affects our energy....

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Manifesting Your Desires with Candle Magic

Manifest with candle magic

When was the last time you let yourself dream? I mean really dream—fearlessly, with your heart wide open. Because, let me tell you, dreams are where the magic starts. If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and light a fire under those dreams, then you’re in the right place. Candle magic isn’t just about setting an intention; it’s about creating a spark—literally and spiritually. This isn’t a passive process where you whisper to the universe and wait. Nope. This is a co-creative dance with the cosmos, and every step matters. Let me guide you through it, one flame at a time. Step One: Name That Desire Manifestation starts with clarity. If your dreams are murky or undecided, the universe will have no idea what to do with them. Sit down with a notebook and your favorite pen, and write out what you want. Not what your mom wants, not what...

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Is Candle Magic Evil? Let’s Set the Record Straight

is candle magic evil

Let’s start with the big question: Is candle magic evil? It’s one of those questions that makes me smile, mostly because it reveals just how much mystery and misunderstanding still surrounds magic. So, let’s sit down, grab a candle (preferably a Coventry one), and unpack this idea together. Spoiler alert: the answer might surprise you.   The Roots of the Fear Let’s take a quick walk through history. For centuries, anything outside of the dominant religious or cultural norms was labeled as “evil.” If it didn’t fit within the sanctioned belief system, it was shunned or demonized. Magic, being an empowering practice that often bypassed institutional authority, landed squarely in the crosshairs. Think about it: candle magic is deeply personal. It’s about you taking control of your energy and intentions, and that’s powerful stuff. Historically, anything that put power back into the hands of the individual made those in control a...

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When Your Spell Isn’t Working: A Practical and Magical Guide

What to do if your spell doesnt work

Feeling like your spell didn’t work is disheartening.  It makes you wonder if magic and energy is real or you are just fooling yourself.  Maybe you wonder if the divine is mad at you and you are in punishment.  You did the work.  You lovingly prepared your candles, precisely chose the herbs, and carefully wrote the petition—and still you didn't get the outcome you wanted.  “Why isn’t this working?” But here's the thing: magic is as much about self-discovery and inner growth as it is about external results. Let’s explore why your spell might not be hitting the mark and how to realign for success. Is It Working? The Subtle Signs of Success Magic isn’t always loud and dramatic. Often, its effects show up as subtle shifts, like the faintest breeze moving through your life. Look for those tiny signs that things are beginning to shift: maybe a difficult conversation went...

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Setting Intent that Unlocks Your Inner Magic

Setting intention w

  Setting intent is the beating heart of magic—it’s the spark that ignites the flame and sets your desires in motion. Without intent, you’re just going through the motions, like a GPS without a destination. But when you set your intent with clarity and purpose, you align your energy with the universe in a way that’s almost impossible to ignore. Intent isn’t just a wish; it’s a declaration. It’s planting your flag in the soil of possibility and claiming your space in the world. So, let’s talk about how to set your intent in a way that’s not just effective but downright transformative.   Start with the “Why” Intent begins with asking yourself, why? Why do you want what you want? Why is this goal important to you? Too often, we skip this step and jump straight into the “how” of making things happen. But understanding your “why” gives your intent...

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Candle Safety: Respect the Flame, Amplify the Magic

Candle Safety with Candle Magic

Let’s talk about something vital to your magical practice: candle safety. It may not be the most glamorous part of working with candles, but trust me, it’s just as magical as any spell you’ll cast. The flame you light isn’t just fire—it’s alive. It’s a living, moving force that transforms energy. And with great magic comes great responsibility. Every time you light a candle, you’re entering into a relationship with that flame. It’s powerful, it’s dynamic, and yes, it’s unpredictable. Over the years, I’ve seen flames do things that defy logic—jumping impossibly far to catch a flammable surface. So, let’s talk about how to keep your magic safe, your eyebrows intact, and your spellwork drama-free.   First Things First: Use a Fire-Safe Candle Holder Rule number one: always use a fire-safe candle holder. I don’t care how sturdy your altar or table looks—a proper holder is non-negotiable. It keeps your candle...

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Why Candle Magic Works

why candle magic works w

Candle magic. It might seem like the simplest form of spellwork—a flame, some wax, and your intentions. But don’t let that simplicity fool you. Beneath that flickering light lies profound power and centuries of tradition. This isn’t just a candle—it’s a portal to transformation, a dance of elements, and your direct line to the Universe. Let’s dive in and explore why candle magic works, why it’s so powerful, and how it transforms your intentions into reality. Pull up a chair. Aunt Jacki is about to get real, magical, and maybe just a little bit sassy.   The Spark of Intention: Where Magic Begins Here’s the deal: magic starts with intention. If you’re just lighting a candle without knowing what you want, it’s like putting an envelope in the mail without an address. Candle magic gives your intention a home, a destination, and a clear path to get there. When you light...

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The Colors of Prosperity

June2024 Magic101It’s a beautiful spring day where the fields are lush with colors. The green of the early buds, the gold of the dandelions, and the purple of the blooming lilacs fill you with the peace of abundance. Everywhere you look, the magic of nature is flowing around you, prosperous in its brilliance of life’s potential. This is the power of color to inspire your mood and set the tone for the magic you are about to experience.

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Easy Does It: How to keep stress from disrupting your magic

May2024 Magic101

Where does the magic happen? In the universe of course! Without the universe, we could not create. It is like a garden ready to be planted with your ideas and desires and what you plant will grow exponentially. Plus, it’s very important that you are clear and purposeful with your visualizations, words, and tone (the way you say your words).

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3 Effective ways to drain your personal power

May 2017 LTM Personal PowerBefore you start looking for who has taken a bite out of your empowerment, or who you may have given away your power to, you may want to make sure you are not the source of your own power drain. Have you become part of the culture of negativity? It’s a sneaky one and it can take hold without you even realizing.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  455 Hits

Creating endless love starts with you.

LTM Creating endless love starts with you‘Self-care’ is a buzzword in the conscious living circle. It’s a reminder that after we leave the nest our health and happiness is all on us. But, what does self-care look like? How do you know when you’re doing it? How do you know you’re doing it right? Let me tell you a little secret: Self-care seems like it’s HARD work, yet it doesn’t have to be.

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

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What is candle magic?

April2022 Magic101

Ironically, this is a difficult question for me to answer as candle magic is part of my DNA. It is like asking me what air is. I immediately jump into the science and history of magic with big explanations when, really, we can start with the obvious of answers:

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© 2017-04-13 11:36:08

  892 Hits

Altar Setup Basics

July2023 Magic101

You’re ready to start your magical journey and get your altar set up, and we’re ready to help! If you didn’t know already, your altar can be anywhere you want it to be. In your car, an old tree stump in your backyard, the side table in your bedroom, anywhere! Once you pick a spot, follow these next steps to set up your altar! 

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