Coventry Creations Articles

The Power of Color in Candle Magic

The power of color in candle magic

  There is a mood that comes from candles lit in a dim room.  You are immediately relieved of your earthy (daily) concerns, your brain slows down and you can breathe a little slower.   Candle magic taps into the mood set with this hue of light and starts to unwind your spirit to align with your intent. Every part of candle magic contributes to the weave of magic you are creating.  The flame, the scent, the blessing, the space you are in and the color all contribute to the magic.   Don’t discount the importance of color in your candle magic.  Each color carries its own unique energy that assists in the transformation you are intending.  In the Big Book of Candle magic (page 80) I dive into the color feedback loop where your emotional reaction to a color affects its vibrations and the vibration of the color affects our energy....

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Manifesting Your Desires with Candle Magic

Manifest with candle magic

When was the last time you let yourself dream? I mean really dream—fearlessly, with your heart wide open. Because, let me tell you, dreams are where the magic starts. If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and light a fire under those dreams, then you’re in the right place. Candle magic isn’t just about setting an intention; it’s about creating a spark—literally and spiritually. This isn’t a passive process where you whisper to the universe and wait. Nope. This is a co-creative dance with the cosmos, and every step matters. Let me guide you through it, one flame at a time. Step One: Name That Desire Manifestation starts with clarity. If your dreams are murky or undecided, the universe will have no idea what to do with them. Sit down with a notebook and your favorite pen, and write out what you want. Not what your mom wants, not what...

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