Coventry Creations Articles

Drawing Back the Bow of Success: A Witchy Guide to Achieving Your Goals

July2024 WitchesUnion 400How many prosperity spells does it take a witch to reach their goal? 

This sounds like the opening for a dad joke. If so, the punch line would be two. One to get out of your own way and one to manifest your intent. 

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Easy Does It: How to keep stress from disrupting your magic

May2024 Magic101

Where does the magic happen? In the universe of course! Without the universe, we could not create. It is like a garden ready to be planted with your ideas and desires and what you plant will grow exponentially. Plus, it’s very important that you are clear and purposeful with your visualizations, words, and tone (the way you say your words).

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5 Quick Ways to Kindle Your Magic Spark

Aug2022 Magic101

Beginner or long-term mystic, there are moments when that magic spark eludes us. If this is you today, have a sit-down and give yourself a long hug because you need it and there is nothing wrong with you. Every spiritual and creative person runs their well dry and feels like their magic is gone.

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5 Ways to Simplify your Meditation and Grounding Practice

Sep2022 Magic101

“I don’t know how to meditate” is like saying “I don’t know how to relax.”  There are many ways to achieve relaxation and its definition will vary with every person you ask, yet it is pretty simple at its core. Meditation is the same; there are many explanations on how to do it, yet it is a very simple process of limiting input so you can slow your thoughts.

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Back to the Basics

Oct2022 Magic101

We're Going Back to the Basics

Looking to get into candle magic and spells but not sure where or how to start? Don’t know if you have it in you to do spellwork? Don’t worry, the wonderful world of candle magic is one everybody can become part of.

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Creating Your Magic Altar

Nov2022 Magic101

 You’ve got everything you need to do spellwork and candle magic now what? It’s time to make an altar for yourself! 


What is a Magic Altar?

An altar is more than just where you place your candles. It’s a space where your magic manifests and you communicate with your spirits.

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‘Tis the season for holiday magic!

Dec2022 Magic101

Looking for some simple magic to try out this Holiday season? Have no fear, we have something for you! Mistletoe Magic is all about making your home a happy and safe place full of love and inviting protection for the upcoming year.

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Out With the Old, In With the New

Jan2023 Magic101

The New Year is the perfect time to clean house and start fresh. Out with the old, in with the new. New year, new me. However you want to say it, this quick and easy ceremony will help you get rid of all of last year's baggage and help you start the New Year off on the right foot.

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Love Spell Essentials

Feb2023 Magic101

We all know love is in the air during the month of February. Fancy dinner dates, heart-shaped everything, flowers, and chocolates, build hopes of a romantic encounter. Whether you are in a relationship and want to spice it up, or single and looking for the one, we have picked our top six favorite flowers, herbs/spices, and roots that are essential to any love spell.

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Unveiling Inner Happiness and Beauty

Feb2024 Magic101 400px

Discovering Your Inner Happiness and Beauty

Today, we invite you on a transformative journey, one that is deeply personal and incredibly powerful. This isn't just any journey—it's a transformative exploration into the realms of your own spirit, a quest to unearth the essence of joy and beauty that lies dormant within you.

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The No-Sweat Guide to Spiritual Spring Cleaning

March2024 Magic101 400px

Today, we're diving into the ancient art of spiritual cleansing, but don’t worry, there’s no heavy lifting required. This practice has been around since the Flintstones decided they needed a bit more zen in their lives, and it's all about kicking those bad vibes to the curb and rolling out the red carpet for the good stuff.

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Spring Cleaning

March2023 Magic101

Spring is just a few weeks away, even if the weather hasn’t gotten the memo yet. It’s time to clear out all of the winter blues and get ready for the breath of fresh air that Spring brings. While you may be thinking about cleaning out your garage or fixing up your landscaping, we’re thinking of something a little more magical.

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It's Time For Some Growth!

April2023 Magic101

It’s finally Spring. The flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is green and trees are growing their leaves. Different kinds of growth are happening everywhere, why don’t you add your personal growth to the list?! If you aren’t sure how to, we’ll walk you through it.

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Surviving Mercury Retrograde

May2023 Magic101

Another Mercury Retrograde, are you serious?! We know that life can get a little crazy during a Mercury Retrograde, but it doesn’t have to. We have a ritual that can make this Mercury Retrograde a little easier for you.

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Spellwork 101

June2023 Magic101

One of the biggest questions that comes along with doing spells is “How long will it take for my spell to work?” And while there are many factors that affect the speed your spell works, the short answer is: It depends.

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Candle Scribing 101

Aug2023 Magic101 400px

When it comes to candle scribing, we get a lot of questions. “How do you scribe a candle? Do I have to write in a certain direction? Can I write on the bottom?”. If you’re also wondering about the answers to these questions, we’ve got you covered! 

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Egg Cleansing

Sep2023 Magic101 400px

Have you ever heard of an egg cleanse? Yeah, you read that right, cleansing yourself with an egg! It’s not as crazy as it sounds, we promise. Let’s get into it! 

Egg Cleansing

Egg cleansing is a great way to clear someone out of your life, or more specifically, any hooks that they have in you.

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5 Things Aunt Jacki Will Never Do After Being a Witch for 35 Years

Oct2023 Magic101 400px

For the past 36 years, Jacki Smith has immersed herself in the practice of witchcraft and magic, and she is ready to share some cautionary insights regarding the dos and don'ts of magic and manifesting.


  1. Curse people- We have all had someone in our life do something that left us feeling upset or hurt and our first thought was to get revenge.
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It’s the season of gratitude!

Nov2023 Magic101 400px

Spooky season has come and gone, and now it’s time for the season of giving! Whether you are giving thanks or giving back, we are constantly being reminded to be grateful and thankful. Did you know that there’s even a thing called gratitude magic? Well, if you didn’t, keep reading!

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Friendship and the Muse Within

Jan2024 Magic101 400px

Writing is a collaborative event. We think we’re writing all by ourselves only to realize there is someone whispering in our ear. It happens when we pause to laugh at a funny thought or wipe away tears created by a touching inspiration.

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