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Energetic Oils to the rescue

retail blog 2 enegetic oils to the rescueIf you listen to the news, you’ll hear that jobs are getting scarce because unemployment numbers are at an all time low. Businesses haven’t caught up with the economic growth where their hiring is concerned. It may be because they are forcing people to do the work of two people instead of increasing their staff.

They may do that to keep payroll down or they may be too busy to advertise, interview and onboard a new employee. No matter what the reason, when you are invited in for an interview you’ll need to shine bright to get attention. What’s wrong with using a little magic to give you an edge? Nothing my friend, nothing.

My suggestion is to take advantage of the magical purposes or power of plants to raise up your vibration. A bright and optimistic vibe is what employers are attracted to and you can get there with Cedarwood, Jasmine and Sweet Grass Wicked Good Energetic oils from Coventry Creations. These three oils will work for you in a job search, building business connections, looking for clients and even in school. Whenever you need help succeeding to reach your goal, Mother Nature gives a helping hand with one or more of her children from the plant world.

Cedarwood, expresses the vibration of strength and nobility. A drop in each of your shoes will cause you to walk with your head held high without sticking your nose in the air. Feel yourself striking the cord of balance between your mind, emotions and spirit with each step. This is because the essence of Cedarwood purifies your spirit of the influences of your own negative thinking and the bad mouthing from others. Once that little task is done Cedarwood goes to work on your psyche to help you begin manifesting your dreams with clarity and positivity. Added bonus, you may find it easier to listen to your intuition.

Jasmine is a blessing straight from the mother goddess. This beautiful little flower and its enticing scent attracts love straight from the mother’s heart to yours. Dab a little oil on your wrists and behind your ears and enjoy the peaceful feeling it brings. Watch your own sabotaging behavior drop away and the blocks to your success move aside as you walk toward your desired goals.

Sweet grass is one of the four sacred plants used by the indigenous people of the North American continent. The scent reminds us of the sweetness of life and helps us feel grateful. Gratitude is a virtue that opens our heart to the abundance the universe has for us, if only we’d get out of our own way and accept it. Put this energetic oil in your shoe or make a spray and spray it in your aura to attract good energy, helpful spirits and the abundance of the universe. Don’t forget to express gratitude for all the blessings that have come your way to seal the deal.

Gift yourself with the Witch’s Union Healing Patch to acknowledge all you efforts to heal your life and be all you are meant to be. Wear that baby proudly and be part of the solution!

All of Coventry Creations Wicked Good Energetic oils are on sale the month of February. Order online here to take advantage of the 15% off speical.

To purchase more life changing Coventry products, visit our website and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for more Coventry magic delivered right to your inbox.

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