By Patty Shaw on Thursday, 19 March 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Tools to Uncover Your Destiny

March’s series of blogs called “Clearing Negative Patterns” has been inspired by  excerpts from Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.   


Just to recap: For 2015, we are dedicating ourselves to unleashing your personal power. Since this is no overnight task, we have broken it down month by month. March, we talk about what it takes to break negative patterns that keep you stuck.   Last week we talked about accepting personal responsibility in your own destiny. This week, we talk about some tools you can use to accepting your role in your destiny.  Each Thursday, there will be a new instalment about breaking these habits and clearing negative energy.  These blogs are really just a summary of the real exercises found in Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith, for more detailed explanation, I recommend checking out the entire book.


Tools to Uncover Your Destiny


In the book Coventry Magic, Jacki has many different exercises and rituals to help clear our negative patterns and self sabotaging ideas.  Later this month, I will share two different exercises that Jacki has in her book on clearing out negative energy. Before I post those, I wanted to think about what tools you actually need to change negative patterns. Until now I have just talked about self reflection, self responsibility, being more aware of your daily movements and thoughts. These aren’t really helpful beyond the passive realization that you know what you want to change about yourself. I admit I find this to be the easiest step although that may not be the same for others. (I can self depreciate and analyze my faults till I am blue in the face) Another phase of this is dreaming about changing.  Another wonderfully fun and easy step for me.  Dreaming is the exciting part.  I am going to make all my meals from fresh ingredients, I am going to wake up at 6:00 am and run before work and am not going to turn on the TV in the evening. I’ll even write them in my planner. (another thing that is fun for me to do)


Beyond that, I get stuck in a pattern of good intentions of 2 days, maybe a few weeks of the new me.  It is terribly inconvenient and it doesn’t seem natural.  I find myself looking to put an end date on things that I am supposedly trying to change for life. The question is, how do you find out the middle ground.  Those happy changes you can make to your life that although hard at first, develops into something that allows you to grow and improve yourself.


So I made a list of the things that happened to allow certain changes I have been able to make permanent and here is what I found always happens.  What have been the commonalities of your positive changes?

Factors that have contributed to my change successes:


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