By Patty Shaw on Thursday, 27 November 2014
Category: Astro Magic



Oh family! You love them, you can be challenged by them, you can even be hurt by them. You seem to always be connected by this tiny invisible string that cannot be severed 100%.  For some family is their blood and for others family is people they have hand picked from friends, partners and mentors. For many it is a combination of both.  The bond you share with your family is like no other connection you will have in your lifetime.  They are such a treasure and it is important to show gratitude that thanks so them, you are not walking this path alone. In honor of your family during a month in which we all typically start to gather together, burn a Home Blessing blessing Kit.  This kit has a combination of Happy Home, Stability and Protection votives to keep your family safe and to bring harmony to you and those you care about. 

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