The Power Votive Coventry Glass candle holder is 3” tall and was chosen just for our Power Votives. ..
This World Oil is a blend of three sacred sage oils. Sacred White Sage can replace of sage smudge st..
Sweet Grass has been used for centuries by Native American people to cleanse away the worries, stres..
Wicked Witch Mojo Bitch Be Gone Candle When you've had enough, this Bitch Be Gone spell is so power..
Major remover of obstacles opens roads and brings personal power to the forefront. Your personal pow..
Wicked Witch Mojo Halloween As the Cauldron Bubbles Candle LIMITED EDITION - Wicked Witch Mojo Hall..
Wicked Witch Mojo Halloween Haint Happenin' Candle LIMITED EDITION - Wicked Witch Mojo Halloween by..
Wicked Witch Mojo Halloween Spirited Discourse Candle LIMITED EDITION - Wicked Witch Mojo Halloween..
So Conducive to good fortune, you might be accused of having a horseshoe up your butt! Words of Moj..
The most effective money manifestation formula on the market - Bar None! Searching out that pot of g..
In a tough spot? Tried everything in your magical toolbox but to no avail? Then what you need is a m..
Wicked Witch Mojo Wakin’ the Dead Candle If you want your Ancestors to help you, you've gotta wake ..
2" diameter embroidered patch. The compass is a symbol that states; no matter how far you journey, t..
2" diameter embroidered patch. Evil Eye magic is global and is one of the only protection magics tha..
2" embroidered patch. A witch’s familiar is grounding, energizing, protecting, and comforting. This ..
2" diameter embroidered patch. Any Witches Union member would be proud to show off their magical mas..
2" diameter embroidered patch. The symbol of the bee is one of community, organization, and fertilit..
2" diameter embroidered patch. Love magic is what brings many to magic. This patch helps you lock do..
2" diameter embroidered patch. Meditation is the adept’s way of finding the stillness that allows th..
2" diameter embroidered patch. This is a symbol of a powerful magic wielder. A witch who is adept at..