By on Thursday, 22 March 2018
Category: Astro Magic

Darkness, what is thy name?

Part of creating the right energetic protection for your situation is identifying what you are protecting yourself from. Naming the darkness you are dealing with gets you halfway there. Then a plan and the proper tools will get you the rest of the way.

At times we don’t know the source of the offending energy, so we need to put on our detective hats and do our research. Lighting a Blessed Herbal Truth and Justice candle will be a great assistant. Before sparking up that match, write the situation or the symptoms you are experiencing on the candle or on a piece of paper. Place the paper under the candle holder and then light the candle. Quiet your mind and ask for inspiration about the situation. Write down your insight. It will become part of your plan.

March Special

15% off World Magic Candles and Oils

World Magic candles - reg $24.50 ea, sale price $20.75 ea

World Magic Oils reg $10 ea, sale price $8.50 ea

Your plan needs to have a few elements in it. The key players or description of the situation, actions to take and desired outcome. That is the basic formula.

The key players are you and the person or people you are in conflict with. The description of the situation would be something like, I keep having bad luck at work and can include “I don’t understand why or if there is anyone specific causing this bad luck.”

The action taken is specific to the conflict or situation. Also, your action needs to take into consideration karma. Look for ways to set the boundaries and protect yourself without harming anyone in any way. That includes anyone’s reputation. No matter what they have done to you already, if you create more karma with retaliation, you will continue the cycle of conflict. When creating a plan that is resolving a situation, start with yourself. Do some analysis on your attitudes and beliefs about you. In what way do you expect to be treated? Are you Eeyore, Piglet or Winnie the Pooh? Your protection plan may be centered on subverting self-sabotage.

Selecting your tools. At the core, protection magic is about developing a strong, getting confident and setting boundaries. As you select your tools keep this in mind. You may even want a candle or oil to support you in all these ways. Our friend and expert in protection magic, Dorothy Morrison, says, if you want something to go away and never return, put her Poof! candle and oil to work.

Shine a light on it

After the dust settles and your fortress of strength is in place, shine a light on the whole enchilada. Our world magic candles and oils were specifically designed to bring in blessings from the divine. Spiritual love works through everything, and tapping into it brings all the abundance, joy and protection we’ve not only earned but what the divine desires for us. Think about what you need to support you going forward from this challenge. Do you need more opportunities? Call upon the deity Ganesha with our Ganesha candle or oil. Do you need good luck and the humility needed to hang on to it? Call upon the deity Lakshmi to show you how. Are you feeling grateful and want to express it, use our Sweet Grass candle or oil to help you do just that. If you are feeling there is some residual dark or crabby energy, use our Sacred White Sage candle or oil to clear the space or clear objects.

All of Coventry Creations World magic candles and oil are on sale the month of March. Order online at to take advantage of the 15% off special. Use our products to attract blessings into your life. Let the light shine and dispel the darkness. Life is meant to be a joyful experience too.

To purchase more life changing Coventry products, visit our website and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for more Coventry magic delivered right to your inbox.

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