Coventry Creations Articles

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

30 Days of Miracles: Pick one random word and say it over and over and over again.


Pick one random word and say it over and over and over again. Notice how eventually it holds no meaning and becomes a nonsensical blending of sounds. Think about how you have been hurt by words in the past. Pull up that hurtful memory and turn those words into nonsense and mushed up noise. You choose when to be affected by the words of others and when they hold no meaning for you.   - Jacki Smith

  2079 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Set your timer for 5 minutes and do nothing.


Set your timer for 5 minutes and do nothing. Let your mind unravel all the pent up thoughts that are stuck in a loop and release them as best you can. Do this at lunch today and then again when you get home from work.   - Jacki Smith

  2654 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: What thought did you wake up with today?


What thought did you wake up with today? What does that mean for you? What goal is affected by that thought or it even worthy of your time?   - Jacki Smith

  1922 Hits

30 Days of Miracles: Who in your life today brings you the most challenge?


Who in your life today brings you the most challenge? These antagonists are messengers from our psyche as to what bothers us the most about ourselves. How can this message positively influence you today?   - Jacki Smith

  2042 Hits

30 Days of Miracles - Pick one thing about your body that you love.


Pick one thing about your body that you love. Tell your body that you love it in all its forms. It has been with you in good time and bad. Tell it that you are grateful that it has hung in there with you as best it can.   - Jacki Smith

  1987 Hits

30 Days of Miracles - Who in your life today has the most positive influence upon you?


Who in your life today has the most positive influence upon you? Think about what little ways they have changed your life. Write them a note to tell them.   - Jacki Smith

  1895 Hits

30 Days of Miracles - Set your alarm to go off at 1:00 pm this afternoon.


Set your alarm to go off at 1:00 pm this afternoon. Take that moment to re-set your day and remember why you go to work every day, what you goal is and why you are grateful that you either have a job that you are free to pursue your dreams.   --Jacki Smith

  2299 Hits

30 Days of Miracles - What one thing stands out as a blessing from yesterday’s events?


What one thing stands out as a blessing from yesterday’s events?  Think about today and how that blessing will shape your day.   -  Jacki Smith

  4295 Hits

30 Days of Miracles - What one thing about your life you are grateful for?


What one thing about your life you are grateful for? Think about how that positively impacts your life. Grab that feeling and carry it with you all day.   --Jacki Smith

  2000 Hits

30 Days of Miracles - Start any new day, project or dream with gratitude and thankfulness.


Start any new day, project or dream with gratitude and thankfulness. When you start with this honest humility you are making room for abundance in your life. When you start with lack, you close the doors to the potential of a miracle. What do you hope to gain from these 30 days?   -- Jacki Smith

  2201 Hits

Winner winner chicken dinner!

What a wonderful honor!  Thank you all who helped with the success of this book!!!

  2072 Hits
How to find stability in the fast past world.

How to find stability in the fast past world.

How to find stability in the fast past world.

  2073 Hits
Ask Aunt Jacki: How do I know my magic worked?

Ask Aunt Jacki: How do I know my magic worked?

Ask Aunt Jacki: How do I know my magic worked?

  2243 Hits
Ask Aunt Jacki: To blow or to snuff?

Ask Aunt Jacki: To blow or to snuff?

Ask Aunt Jacki: To blow or to snuff?

  2192 Hits
Ask Aunt Jacki: Finding your Charisma.

Ask Aunt Jacki: Finding your Charisma.

Ask Aunt Jacki: Finding your Charisma.

  2152 Hits

June Special The Blessed Herbal Candle Line is 10% off

What a wonderful time of the year!  It is summer and the weather is beautiful, kids are off school and some fortunates are on vacation.  If you are like me however, you are looking out the window observing all this, as life does not stop because the pools are now open.  Having to continue to participate in the real world means still having real world problems.  We are here to help.  In June all Blessed Herbal Pillars will be 10% off.  

  2115 Hits
Ask Aunt Jacki:How to trim a wick

Ask Aunt Jacki:How to trim a wick

  2558 Hits

Turn around your luck with Jacki Smith

Turn around your luck with Jacki Smith   

  2794 Hits

CMO reading for June 2014

  To get your free online reading go to

  2236 Hits

Another Tip from your Aunt Jacki....What do I do with the extra wax?

  3519 Hits

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