Coventry Creations Articles

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

Be the decider of your own magical tradition

LTM Spet Tradition EvolutionHow much of your magical teaching is relevant in the 21st century? How many of you can pee in a jar and put it under your front stoop for protection? Not as many as you think, so what does the 21st century witch do in such cases? They become the creator of their own magical tradition.






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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  2211 Hits

Dreams Come True Spell - Channel Your Unconscious

October SCCDreams don’t have to remain unattainable. These dreams don’t just have to go on when you close your eyes! Every moment you’re awake, doesn’t have to be further away. Okay, I’ll stop with the Heart references, but you get what I’m saying. This month’s spell card is meant to help you bring those dreams to fruition.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  1553 Hits

Fall Cleanup

GC HCBDoes your home feel more like a haunted mansion than a safe living space? Do you experience strange, unnatural occurrences or feel a negative funk hanging over your space? Sounds like it’s time for a good fall clearing.


During the months of September and October the veil between the spirit world and ours becomes thinner, meaning the natural barrier becomes more malleable and there is a meeting of the natural and spirit realms.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  1771 Hits

How do I start my magical journey on the right foot?

CMO SeptemberThere are traditions that are passed down, and traditions that we create. Before finding what works for us, witches especially, we research and have our arduous journey. There are

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  1104 Hits

Creative Energy Spell - Knock down creative road blocks

September SCCCreative road blocks happen to all of us, and overcoming them is a strenuous process – that is why this month’s spell card has been crafted to knock those blockages down! Remind yourself to start with a small project and let the inspirational energy in.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  1332 Hits

Who is the Man at the Crossroads?

Man at the CrossroadsThe Crossroads candle is back along with a key designed by Jacki Smith herself! Find out what wisdom deep within this key will unlock. Then call upon the Man at the Crossroads. He will ask you, “what is halting your personal progress”? “Which path is the right one for you”? Yes, he will be your escort through this trek in your personal Crossroad and he’ll also trick you into finding your own answers every step of the way.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  2017 Hits

Learn how to activate the Dewey Decimal system of your Akashic Records with Jacki Smith

Dragon3 Copy

It’s a big vast Akashic record room to search through, but Jacki knows the system to access the information you are looking for.   In this class,  Jacki will show you a repeatable method of using your records as a m It’s a big vast Akashic record room to search through, but Jacki knows the system to access the information you are looking for.   In this class,  Jacki will show you a repeatable method of using your records as a magical tool to step into, get the information from, heal and  make magic happen in your daily life.agical tool to step into, get the information from, heal and  make magic happen in your daily life.  

  1916 Hits

Full Moon Money magic Spell - Charging up your Prosperity

August SCCThe Full Moon is one of, if not the best time to do magic. When the moon is in this phase, we are at our most creative and innovative, and things you are passionate about are bubbling to the surface. Use the magical time to turn your desires into your reality, and we have the spell to help you achieve that.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  2088 Hits

25 Ways Coventry Has Changed Lives

Ding, ding, ding, ding!!!! Thus begins our 25th year in business. It’s humbling to think of how many candles we have made and more importantly, how many lives we have touched. Over the years we have gotten life changing stories from our staff and our customers – both their lives and our lives have been changed by them.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  2220 Hits

Embracing your Inner Witch

CMOAugustWitches are healers and magic makers. It’s really as simple as that. When we are making magic or manifesting our desires into reality, we are working with our inner witch.

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  1115 Hits

What do you think of when you look at a skeleton key?

Crossroads and KeysSkeleton Keys and the Crossroads

What do you think of when you look at a skeleton key? History and magic? To us 21st century folks, a skeleton key is an anomaly in a world of key fobs and electronic locks. Just touching a skeleton key you wonder about what lock this once opened, what treasures were hidden behind its vigilant keep.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  1985 Hits

What wonders await when you unlock the door to your true self?

August Feature Retail ImageWhat wonders await when you unlock the door to your true self?

Crossroads Limited Edition candle


Comes with blessed custom skeleton key
and online ritual at



The Crossroads candle gives you the key to find out what wonder awaits and how to be your own Magic Maker! This year’s Limited Edition Crossroads candle comes with a custom skeleton key that has our Coventry dragon guarding over your magic and titles you the “Magic Maker” on the back.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  1969 Hits

Gather your supplies like a boss!

  Act as if you're supposed to be there.

  1912 Hits

Who is the Man at the Crossroads?

  Who is the Man at the Crossroads?  

  2056 Hits

Skeleton Keys & Their Purpose

  By holding the key, you hold the power.  

  2211 Hits

3 Effective ways to drain your personal power

May 2017 LTM Personal PowerBefore you start looking for who has taken a bite out of your empowerment, or who you may have given away your power to, you may want to make sure you are not the source of your own power drain. Have you become part of the culture of negativity? It’s a sneaky one and it can take hold without you even realizing.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  455 Hits

Full Moon Money magic Spell - Charging up your Prosperity

August SCCThe Full Moon is one of, if not the best time to do magic. When the moon is in this phase, we are at our most creative and innovative, and things you are passionate about are bubbling to the surface. Use the magical time to turn your desires into your reality, and we have the spell to help you achieve that.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  1116 Hits

Away With You! - Moving unwanted people out of your life

JulySCCWhen a relationship has reached it’s end, we have to remember that isn’t necessarily a time of sadness, but a time of encourage, change and improvement. It’s a time for both you and the other person to head in the direction of your interests. It’s time to change your lives for the better.

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  1996 Hits

5 “Must Haves” for every candle magic practitioner.

July Feature ImageCandle magic beginners, workers and experts - Stock up on your favorite magical candles.

For 25 years Coventry has set the standard that others follow and in Preparation for our 25th anniversary, Coventry continues its annual 15% off Blessed Herbal Candle special.

Blessed Herbal Candles 15% off

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© 2017-08-18 15:00:31

  3261 Hits

The Firecracker Candle: A Testimonial

FireCrackerBlockBusterCandle Lifestyle 470sq

Hey Jacki! I just wanted to thank you for making your Blockbuster candle. My husband has been out of work since the first of March. He has applied to so many jobs and I have done a variety of candles without success. Last Tuesday I started one if the Blockbusters and did prayer work. That candle burned quick and high. On Thursday he got a phone call from a company and did a phone interview, met in person with them on Friday, and today was offered and accepted the job. I am indebted to you for creating such an amazing candle. Shelly, Maryland We are so happy for you and your husband, and we are so grateful for your kind words!  There are very few Firecracker Candles left! We expect to be out by the end of the month, so make sure you get one of our Ultimate Blockbusters and make some magic! 

  1957 Hits

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