Coventry Creations Articles

Jacki Smith this the founder, enchantress and visionary of Coventry Creations. She started Coventy in 1992 and with her sister and business partner, Patty Shaw, they have taken if from the kitchen stove to an international company. Author, teacher, presenter, radio host, reader and healer, Jacki has dedicated her entire life to the mission of normalizing the words “Witch” and “Magic.”

Steps to finding your magical familiar

LTM Steps to finding your magical familiarWe hear the terms: witch’s familiar, magical familiar, spiritual familiar, which all relate to an animal who you are esoterically connected to, but what we need to understand is that your magical familiar, or whatever term you identify with, is an actual living animal.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1194 Hits

Getting the psychic engine running

LTM Getting the psychic engine runningOctober, how I love thee! It’s not just the boots I get to wear, or the Halloween decorations I get to put or and wear. It’s that my job, my passion gets so much easier. The witches say that in this season the veil between the worlds gets thinner, meaning psychic energies are stronger and spirit communication is easier.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1287 Hits

Got the Astro-Blues?

Got the Astro Blues CMO 470sqWe are on a serious roller coaster ride astrologically speaking and it’s hitting us right in the gut or emotional center. We are being invited,

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  1142 Hits

Hand of God, the ultimate protection spell

Hand of god the ultimate protection spell sccc.retailProtection comes in many Layers. You can have security cameras and an alarm system to protect your possessions. You can have vaccinations, body guards and umbrellas to protect your physical body, and you can have blessings, evil eyes and Hamsa’s to protect your soul.

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  1218 Hits

When it’s not safe to be yourself, do this.

When its not safe to be yourself do thisI’m writing this article inside out this time, products first, then the problem and the spell. Here’s why. We don’t have time these days to wait to get to the point. It’s not feeling so safe out there and we need answers today.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1123 Hits

Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Halloween

Dorothy Morrisons Wicked Witch Halloween FeatureRetail 470sqWho have you been missing? We know, it’s Dorothy Morrison and her wildly witty charming candles and oils. This month her Wicked Witch Mojo candles and oils are on sale.

Wicked Witch Mojo candles 15% off

reg. - $13.75, sale price - $11.75

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1227 Hits

Mind over Anything Spell

SCCC Mind over anythingYour mind is very powerful. So powerful, it creates the circumstances of the life you live. Freaky. This is why everyone who talks about anything that has to do with metaphysics, manifestation, visioning, wishing and spell work starts with your thoughts. You are asked to become aware of what are you thinking, where your focus is and what you believe in.

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  1993 Hits

Going within to conquer the retrogrades

LTM Going within to conquer the retrogradesThese planetary shenanigans are getting to me. We are dealing with 7 planets in retrograde; Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron. At first glance this is worthy of a minor freak out and a loose plan to take a month-long sabbatical, but before you book your flight to Tahiti, let’s take a look at what a retrograde really means.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1272 Hits

Why can’t I quiet my mind?

CMO Why cant I quiet my mind One of the biggest challenges for us mere mortals these days is quieting our minds so we can relax, sleep and even think.

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  1269 Hits

Chillin’ by the pool is meditation

FeatureRetail 470sqThe beat goes on (for all of you under the age of 50, google that phrase) means you’re not letting anything spoil your optimistic outlook. Don’t worry be happy is a more modern turn of the phrase, but there is a lot of tough stuff going on that is hard to ignore.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1185 Hits

How do I manifest closure in a healthy way?

Saying goodbye is part of life, but what if we can’t let go peacefully or with dignity. Or, on the other hand, we are being hung onto by another

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  1279 Hits

Can you work smart and not hard?

Article CMO 470sqEver feel like you are all alone with nobody to talk to about what is important to you? It’s hard to be alone in your passions and desires.

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  1127 Hits

Spell Caster Club - Cord Cutting Spell

SCCCordCuttingFeeling tired and don’t know why? It’s possible you’re being psychically hooked and drained by someone. Most of the time they don’t realize they are doing it. This spell will clear the hooks and drains off you and cut those cords.


Cord Cutting Spell - Getting rid of hooks and drains of others

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1379 Hits

Spell Caster Club Spell, Money from Nuthin’

SpellCardLifestyle 470sqOh it would be so nice to have what I need when I need it. That is life on auto -pilot. Sadly, that is also a fantasy. Everything in our life, was put in motion by us, days and weeks and even years ago.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  2618 Hits

What blocks my prosperity?

ArticleCMO 470sqWe talk about money a lot. We wonder where it’s coming from, if it’s enough, how do we help it grow and how do we hang on to it?

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  1606 Hits

Magic, Witches and Paganism - A Venn Diagram

ArticleLiveTheMagic 470sqI read a random question on social media, “Are Pagans addicted to magic?” I found that a fascinating question because it assumes so many things. It assumes that all magical practitioners are pagan, and all pagans practice magic. The comments went to referencing witchcraft and magic and paganism all as the same thing.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1523 Hits

You’ll always be guided home

LTM Youll always be guided homeI think we are all much more scared than we admit to. We have fears that have hidden themselves in intellectual reasoning. We have fears that mask themselves as common sense (only common to ourselves). We have fears that look like failure or inadequacy.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1364 Hits

How the divine guides our safety

CMO How the divine guides our safety

They don’t call it divine intervention for nothing. There are times we really need spirit to step in and make the course correction

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  1220 Hits

Spell Caster Club – June’s spell

Retail sccc Spell Caster Club Junes spellOpening to Divine Guidance

Listening to our guidance takes discipline. Like all relationships, it also requires us to be present. The divine is patient, but if we keep putting off those precious conversations, our connection will get weak and we will feel the distance growing.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  1911 Hits

Wear your Crown of Glory

LTM Wear your crown of glory“Crown of Glory” seems such a self-explanatory title. It gives a sense of being fully vested in your power and reveling in it. “Crown of Success” is equally self-explanatory; giving the sense of activating that power and knocking your goals out of the park.

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© 2018-10-24 09:50:03

  2155 Hits

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